Staff and Personnel

Marcelo Silva

Director for International Support

Marcelo has experience and vision for Christian missions having served both in Brazil and abroad, particularly in Senegal, with WEC in Africa.
  • Masters in Missiology [in process] (Centro Evagelico De Missoes); BTheol. (FATE BH - Centro Universitario Metodista)

Writing and Publication:

Michael Epp

Director for Vision
Michael has experience in mercy ministry and missions, both at home and abroad. He is an agent of the Great Commission Foundation.
  • MDiv [in process] (Life Pacific University)
  • MA Theol. (LPU)
  • BTheol. (Christ College)
  • Coffee, skiing, golf, outdoors, music.
Writing and Publication:
  • 2023' Master's Thesis: Argued for the authenticity and congruency of Amos 9:11-15. 
  • 2023' Article: "Conflicting Visions: As it relates to Julian (332-63)"



Ways that you can be involved....

missions strategy

Do you have an idea for ministry that you want to fulfill and have supporters? Let us know if you are interested in beginning an activity.


Membership is for those who value being part of a specific society that they value.

volunteer staff

Are you interested in being part of ministry, well let us know if this is the case! Do you want to give time to the kingdom of God?