School of Theology

    A vision for the long-term future, is that under a different functioning name [and distinct institution of Rev The Nations] a chartered school of theology [or divinity school] will be established, which will have ability to issue theological degrees. Through education, accepted students will gain tools and form ideas that contribute to thier lives in service of God in the world.
When: It is estimated that by late 2025, course modules will be available in specific areas of study acting as credited components that students can use [transfer] in other institutions where a full program is offered.

Format: Online/Interactive                
Library: School of Theology will host our library through Logos Bible Software and EBSCO              
Required Resources: Students will be required to have Logos Bible Software
Education System: Moodle or similar

Adendum for Professors below:


Possible names:

Rev the Nations Seminary
The Theology Insititue
The Theology Centre

School of Theology rev the nations
Rev The Nations College
Rev the Nations School of Theology

Do you have a suggestion for the name of the school? Send us any ideas you have below!