Mercy House Fellowship
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Mercy House Fellowship

Please join us where we are or online.

Vision: Mercy House Fellowship is a church that functions in several contexts: Both (1) in one's home context and (2) in the context of mission. House fellowships exist where mission activity is taking place and where our personnel are working.

In this way, we are arms of effective ministry in a variety of contexts, offering a sense of connecting with God and others who recognize (1) the "great mercy" (1 Peter 1:3) that God showed as he birthed the church in the early days (2) is also the same great mercy that we who are part of this believing community are privileged to share in today (3) and that it is incumbent on this community [also implied for believers in all times and all places] to perpetuate this message in and for the world.

We regularly post podcasted messages. 

Additionally, we always have fresh donuts, coffee and welcome everyone.



Weekly sermons

Click the link above for the latests sermon podcast...

Topic: 1 Peter 4:1-5 explains that believers face will at times face irrational resentment from the world when they live for the will of God, rather than dissipation and as such that, "followers of Jesus are not strangers on earth, but in society." (source)

Text: 1 Peter 4:1-5